Who We Are

SIBOA - The South Indian Bank Officers' Association is the apex trade union body of The South Indian Bank Employees in the Officers' Cadre. SIBOA carries the heritageof meaningful existence since 1966 as the frontrunner in championing the cause of its members.

SIBOA stands on a strong foundation of ethical principles and values, with the cooperation of its members and valuable guidance from the All Indian Bank Officers Confederation (AIBOC). Through the collective efforts of its members, the SIBOA has evolved over the years, overcoming challenges and leaving behind glorious moments to cherish for a long time to come.

Our Mission

  • To remain committed towards developing camaraderie among officers all over the country.
  • To improve service conditions for officers through effective negotiation as well as determined, sustained efforts.
  • To encourage healthy interaction between members and the society through enhancement of awareness towards social commitment.
  • To ensure professional and ethical competence of members while being their support in times of duress.

Our Vision

The South Indian Bank Officers Association is a value-based trade union affiliated to AIBOC, registered under the Trade Unions Act 1926. Continuing it’s struggle against exploitation, victimisation, and attacks on the working class, SIBOA upholds the dignity, self-esteem and professional competence of its members to seek fair service conditions and equitable compensation. SIBOA aims at continuing to be the vital force behind the success of The  South Indian Bank, by maintaining mutually beneficial relations.

Executive Members

Regional Secretaries

Executive Member Special Invitees

Our History


Social Service Activities.

In response to the call given by the AIBOC in connection with its Silver Jubilee Celebration, vide Circular No 35 dt 24.03.2010 advising for ‘Minimum one Social Service Activity’, the E.C. meeting held on 20.06.2010 decided to co-sponsor a Project of the Pain and Palliative Care Society, Thrissur, to erect a hydraulic lift to the inpatient ward of the society in the District hospital building. The total cost of the project is Rs 15,57972.00; out of which Rs 10 lakhs will be provided from M.P. Fund of Sri P.C. Chacko, Hon’ble M.P. of Thrissur. A cheque for the balance amount for Rs 5,57,972.00 was handed over in a function arranged for the purpose on 16.07.2010 at the premises of the District Hospital, Thrissur. Our President, Com. C.V. Francis presided over the meeting. Sri. K.P. Achuthan, Secretary of the Society welcomed the gathering. The function was inaugurated by Com. P.R. Varghese, Standing Committee Chairman (Health), District Panchayath, Thrissur. Sri P.V. Mohanan, Dy General Secretary, AIBOC and Sri K.D. Varghese, General Secretary, SIBOA spoke on the occasion


Resignation of Members in Scale V and above.

Quite surprisingly, our Management made a move to split our Association. Officers in the cadre of AGM and above were asked to resign from SIBOA and not to participate in the All India Bank Strike called by UFBU on 6th & 7th August 2009. These officers could not withstand the pressure from the management and resigned from the Association on 05.08.2009. SIBOA strongly protested against the actions of the Management. Protest dharma was conducted in front of HO on 6th and 7th under the leadership of Com. K.D. Varghese, General Secretary, and Com. C.V. Francis, President. Com. P.V. Mohanan, General Secretary, DBOO, Com. Jose Vadakkethala, General Secretary, CSBOA, Com. T.P. Rajagopalan, President, AIBOC Trichur District, and leaders from SIBEA spoke on this occasion. Head Office of the bank was virtually paralyzed; MD & other executives were not allowed to enter the HO premises.


Launching of SIBOA Website.

A website for the South Indian Bank Officers’ Association, www.siboa.in was formally launched by Com. G.D. Nadaf, General Secretary, AIBOC, during SIBOA’s 41st Annual National Conference held on 22nd October 2006 at the Indian Medical Association Hall at Trivandrum, amidst all-round applause, by the click of remote mouse arranged at the podium. The huge screen arranged at the hall projected the traditional Nilavilakku, the wicks were lit up, followed by a flash of eye-catching crackers’ !!. Really it was a wonderful experience, well appreciated by the entire audience. Com. Nadaf congratulated the Association for the implementation of this innovative idea for the first time by any associations in the banking sector.

South Indian Bank Officers’ Associoation Relief Fund.

The object of the fund is to provide financial assistance to the dependants of any member in the event of his death or to the member due to his retirement on permanent disability.

Every member who enrolls himself/herself as a member in the Fund shall remit a monthly contribution of Rs 300/-. In the event of death or retirement of a member for the reason of permanent disability, the nominee or member shall be paid a sum not exceeding Rs 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten lakhs only). Out of Rs 10,00,000/-, a sum of Rs 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand only) is set apart for meeting Medical Expenses for the following diseases:

  1. Heart ailments that require surgical interference.

  2. Cancer.

  3. Kidney Transplantation.

  4. Major accidents that require surgical interference.

The amount payable in the above cases shall be the difference between the actual hospitalization charges incurred by the member and the amount sanctioned by the bank subject to a maximum ceiling of Rs.50,000/-

In the event of a member retiring from the service of the bank on superannuation or ceases to be a member of the Association on dismissal from the service of the bank, he/she will be paid an amount as detailed below:-

No of years after joining Relief Fund                                                          Amount Payable

Up to 10 years                                                                                                 100% of the contribution.

10 years to 15 years                                                                                      125% of the contribution.

15 years to 20 years                                                                                      150% of the contribution

20 years and above                                                                                        200% of the contribution.


Inauguration of SIBOA’s Own Building.

The new office building for South Indian Bank Officers’ Association was inaugurated on 9th October, 1997. by Com. S.R. Sen Gupta, General Secretary, All India Bank Officers’ Confederation, by lighting the traditional Nilavilakku . Com. T.R. Bhat, President, All India Private Sector Bank Officers’ Federation, Com. N.P.D. Menon, President, AIBOC State Committee, Com.T.N. Madanan, Secretary, AIBOC State Committee and Com. K.T. Antony one of our senior founder members of the Association, also lit the Nilavilakku.. The occasion was colourful and magnificent. It was witnessed by our retired members, top officials of our Institution, two of our Directors and one of our former Chiarmen, Sri Kakkappen J. Alappat.

Inauguration of SIBOA’s Own Building.

The occasion was felicitated by Smt. Celin Joseph Kakkassery, Ex-Municipal Chairperson, Comrades N.P.D. Menon, Ex-President, AIBOC State Committee, T.N. Madanan, Ex-Secretary, AIBOC State Committee, Iswaran, Secretary, AIBOC State Committee (Tamil Nadu), P.V. Mathew, General Secretary, AIPSBOF, N.C. Inasu, Ex-General Secretary, SIBEA, A. Radhakrishnan, Ex-General Secretary, CSBOA, P.V. Mohanan, General Secretary, DBOO and K.C. Francis, Ex-General Secretary, SIBRSA. Com. T.R. Bhat, made his key-note address.

Our founder members, Comrades C.A. Jose, K.T. Antony, A.R. Pyloth, T.A. Francis, Ignatious Kodenkandath, K.V. Francis and M.C.S. Menon, were honoured by presenting ‘Ponnada’ by Com. S.R. Sen Gupta, as a token of our gratitude.


2nd Token Strike on 27.01.1994.

The token strike on 27.01.’94 was a grand success. Management started its vengeance by the issuance of memos to Scale IV officers, who participated in the strike on 27.01.1994 with a malafide intention. The Management through phone calls and circulars started airing malicious propaganda to make confusion and misunderstanding among the members. SIBOA called for another token strike on 28.02.1994.

Com. R.N. Godbole intervened.

Com. R.N. Godbole, General Secretary, AIBOC accompanied by Com. T.N. Madanan, President AIBOC Kerala State Unit met our Chairman on 7th February 1994 along with Com:.C.A.Joseph, President, and Com.N.L.Paul, General Secretary. Discussions were held with the Chairman on all pending issues generally. It was agreed by both the parties to resume negotiations on 9th February 1994.

On 09.02.1994, negotiations resumed with Chairman and other executives. The office-bearers of SIBOA along with Com. T.N. Madanan and Com. P.V. Mathew attended the discussions. The Marathon discussions, which lasted more than 6 hours in three sessions ended in failure. During the discussion, Chairman’s attitude was adamant and uncompromising. While we require a reasonable settlement, Chairman wanted our surrender. With this background, the E.C. came to a conclusion that a one-day token strike is not creating any desired impact on the Management and hence decided to defer the proposed token strike on 28.02.1994 but to proceed with the indefinite strike from 28.03.1994.

As per the advice of the state leaders of AIBOC, the proposed indefinite strike was deferred in order to pave way for negotiations. Accordingly, discussions were held on 06.04.1994 and a settlement was signed between SIBOA and the Management on our demands. Com. T.N. Madanan, Com. P.V. Mahew and President & Secretary of SIBOA participated in the negotiations.

13 AGMs and 5 other officers did not participate in the 1st token strike on 01.09.1993 and the E.C. meeting held on 29.10.’93 dismissed them from the membership of the Association. 47 members did not participate in the 2nd token strike of 27.01.1994. 14 members expressed regret for their non-participation in the strike. The E.C. meeting held on 19.06.’94 resolved to punish them with a penalty of payment of 2 days salary. The remaining 33 members were dismissed from the membership. The dismissed members formed a splinter welfare association, which functioned for about 6 years. Out of 37 members in the new Union, 34 members approached SIBOA for re-admission with their apology letter. The E.C. meeting held on 11.02.2001 re-admitted them to SIBOA.

From 2001 onwards almost all of the officers of the bank from Asst Manager to Chief General Manager., were members of the Association.


First Strike Against the Management.

SIBOA has been maintaining a healthy relationship with the Management till 1990. But after Sri Cheriyan Varghese from Indian Bank took the charge as Chairman and CEO of the Bank, the attitude of the Management towards the Officers Community changed. Our continuous representations to settle our genuine demands, such as the appointment of dependents of the deceased officers, withdrawal of unilateral Promotion Policy, removal of the recording of meter reading in the conveyance bill, ex-gratia payment, abolition of trainee allowance and other long-pending demands, were unheeded by the Management.

The E.C. meeting held on 27.12.92 recorded concern over the anti officers' attitude of the Management and decided to initiate organizational actions. As there was no effort on the part of the Management to start mutual discussions, Association observed 29th January 1993 as “Black day’, wearing black badges. All the E.C. members observed one day fasting in front of H.O.

As the first step of the agitational program, demonstrations were held in front of H.O. and Regional Offices on 15.02.1993. As the second step adopted “work to rule” and a demonstration was held before HO, RO, and Main Branches of the Bank. Even though 5 rounds of discussions were held with the 2 DGMs during April, nothing fruitful evolved from the discussions. A mass memorandum was served to the Chairman with a copy to Directors. 4 rounds of discussions were held during July, but nothing materialized due to the uncompromising and unhelpful attitude of the Management. On 01.09.1993, the one-day token strike was declared and a strike notice served to the Management on 27.07.1993. RLC initiated conciliation on 19.08.1993. The attitude of the Management during the proceedings was in no way helpful for a settlement. On 23.08.’93, Com. T.N. Madanan, the then President of AIBOC Kerala State Com. P.V. Mathew, General Secretary, AIPSBOF along with Com.C.D.Thimothy, Gen: Secretary and Com.C.A.Joseph, President met our Chairman and had lengthy discussions but of little use. Management exhibited arrogance and irresponsibility. The token strike on 01.09.1993, the first of its kind in SIB was a grand success. Demonstrations were held in front of HO, ROs, and Main Branches.

The office-bearers of SIBOA met Com. R.N. Godbole, General Secretary of AIBOC, and apprised him of the development and he assured the full co-operation of AIBOC and its affiliates.

Massive Dharna by the State Committee of AIBOC.

A massive Dharna was conducted in front of our HO on 20.10.1993 under the leadership of the State Committee of AIBOC. Com. V.V. Raghavan, MLA inaugurated the Dharna. Com. T.N. Madanan, President, AIBOC Kerala, V. Prabhakaran Nair, General Secretary, AIBOC, P.V. Mathew, General Secretary, AIPSBOF spoke on the occasion. E.C. members of AIBOC State Unit, leaders of NCBE, NOBW and BEFI were present. The employees under the leadership of Com. N.C. Inasu, General Secretary, SIBEA extended their organizational and fraternal support.

The Annual General Meeting of the Association held on 03.10.1993 decided to intensify the agitational programmes till realisation of the demands and accordingly decided to observe the following action programmes:

Badge wearing: 17.01.’94 to 25.01.’94

2nd Token Strike: On 27.01.1994.

3rd Token Strike: on the third week of Feb 1994.

Indefinite strike from the third week of March 1994.

Area Meetings were conducted in all important centres. Action Committee of AIBOC was formed with Com. T.N. Madanan, Secretary AIBOC Kerala Unit as Chairman.


2nd General Body Meeting

The 2nd annual General Body Meeting of the Association was held on 10.03.1968, which was well attended by the members. With the kind and enthusiastic support of our members and well-wishers, SIBOA could publish a souvenir in connection with the 2nd Annual Conference. In these days of great stresses and strains, it has been the constant endeavor of the Association to see that its relationship with the Management continues to be healthy and cordial. The Association is always alive to the problems faced by the bank and is ready to render all possible assistance to solve them in the greater interests of the institution. This has been our guiding principle throughout and we are sure that we have succeeded in this to a great extent.


Agreement was signed by the bank with the Association

The Association pointed out to the management that many of the Officers were drawing a lesser D.A. than an ordinary clerk; some of them were drawing a lesser salary than a clerk of their service. There was no certainty about their increments and the incremental stages and efficiency bars in their pay scales were not proper and their other service conditions were not just. Nobody can shut their eyes against facts. So the management called them for a general discussion on 18.10.1966. When this proved futile, the officers decided to demonstrate their strength, asking the Accountants to claim Supervisory Allowance. The management had to yield to the united might of the Association and an agreement was signed by the bank with the Association on 14.01.1967. The officers got a substantial increase in their wages as a result of the agreement. Rules and Regulations were made for the selection, promotion, and fitting of officers in the various cadres; their D.A. was linked to the cost of living index; their T.A. was revised and their daily battle was modified to suit the modern way of living. Due consideration and weightage were given for educational and technical qualifications. As a result of this, there is a fixed rule for each thing and if anything goes wrong, we have a guide book (Agreement) for a ready reference. The age of retirement was fixed as 60 and the retiring benefits, like gratuity, provident fund, etc. were all codified. The officers are also given quarters or house rent allowance in lieu of that, they can enjoy the leave fare concession and other benefits, like the Award staff.

The Association was informally recognized when the management called us for negotiations for the first time on 17.06.1966. Later, a nominee of the Association was co-opted as a member of the Provident Fund Committee on 14.12.1967 to represent the officers. We demanded that our Association should be officially recognized, just like the Employees’ Association. Vide bank’s letter No. GS/20/68 dated 16.01.1967, the South Indian Bank Officers’ Association has been formally recognized by the bank. We are often called by the management for discussions about important matters as well as staff matters. we have often found it easy to solve intricate staff problems when they are discussed in a friendly manner across the round table. We have often made suggestions for the development and the all-round progress of the bank, which the management and the Board of Directors have been glad enough to accept with an open mind. We have been able to build up the bank with our active co-operation, even beyond the expectation of the management.



During the Sixties, the service conditions of the officers were very poor, when compared to that of Award staff in the bank. Whims and fancies of the management had an upper hand in deciding the fate of officers. The Management’s decision was unquestionable and the Board’s decisions supreme with no one to mediate or represent the grievances of officers. Merit was often ignored and qualifications and experience usually overlooked. The salary was not at all attractive when compared to that of an Award Clerk. The bank did not allow the Accountants to opt as supervisory workmen as though, they were eligible for Supervisory allowance, overtime, and the other benefits of an Award Clerk. Naturally, the officers decided to make a silent revolt and demanded a higher salary, better service conditions, and other benefits.

On 25.02.1965, some senior officers made an attempt to form an association for officers in South Indian Bank. But the attempt, however, did not succeed. A year later, some of the junior officers took the courage to conduct an informal meeting at Trichur on 07.02.1966 and decided to convene a meeting of all the officers of the bank on 27.02.1966, with the object of forming an association for the officers of the bank. There was a splendid response to this call from all the branches. This meeting, which had the backing and support of 101 officers (49 in-person and 52 by proxy) decided to form an association under the name “The South Indian Bank Officers’ Association”, with its headquarters at Trichur. A Bye-law was prepared and after discussion, it was approved by the General Body. In the election for the first Executive Committee of the Association, the following officers were elected as Office Bearers:

President:       Sri P.D. JOHN (H.O. Trichur)

Vice Presidents:   Sri M.K. RAPPAI (Tellicherry)
                   Sri C.A. JOS (Pudukad)

Secretary:        Sri T.A. FRANCIS (Trichur Main)
Joint Secretaries: Sri K.T. ANTONY (Trichur Main)
                   Sri JOSE ANTO NELLISSERY (HO Kuri Dept.)
Treasurer:        Sri A.R. PYLOTH (Trichur Main)
Members:         1.Sri M.C.S. MENON (Trichur Main)
                 2.Sri IGNATIUS KODENKANDATH(Trichur Main)
                 3.Sri C.L. DAVIS (Trichur Bazar)
                 4.Sri K.V. FRANCIS (Kinattukadavu)
                 5.Sri A. NARAYANAN (Palghat)

Leaders who lead us

Sl. No. Year President Secretary
1 1966-67 Sri P.D. John Sri T.A. Francis
2 1968-69 Sri M.K. Rappai Sri T.A. Francis
3 1969-71 Sri M.K. Rappai Sri P.P. Johny
4 1971-73 Sri K.I. Antony Sri P.P. Johny
5 1973-74 Sri K.I. Antony Sri T.P. Yohannan
6 1974-76 Sri M.K. Rappai Sri P.D. John
7 1976-77 Sri K.I. Antony Sri A.R.Pyloth
8 1977-78 Sri P.P. Mathew Sri K.I. Antony
9 1978-79 Sri Kakappan.J. Alapatt Sri Mathew George
10 1979-80 Sri K.R. Nair Sri K.C. Francis
11 1980-81 Sri K.I. Antony Sri Thomas Valappila
12 1981-82 Sri C.P. Sebastain Sri N.V. Ignatious
13 1982-83 Sri M.K. Rappai Sri A.G. Varughese
14 1983-85 Sri George.P. Menacherry Sri T.G. Bastin
15 1985-86 Sri O.K. Pavunny Sri C.P. Jose
16 1986-87 Sri George.P. Menacherry Sri P.K. Kochanthony
17 1987-88 Sri M.K. Rappai Sri P.K. Kochanthony
18 1988-89 Sri C.D. Thimothy Sri P.E. Mathai
19 1989-90 Sri P.K. Kochanthony Sri C.D. Thimothy
20 1990-91 Sri M. Purushothaman Sri C.V. Francis
21 1991-92 Sri P.E. Mathai Sri George P. Menacherry
22 1992-93 Sri C.A. Joseph Sri C.D. Thimothy
23 1993-95 Sri C.A. Joseph Sri N.L. Paul
24 1995-97 Sri C.A. Joseph Sri T.I. Mohandas
25 1997-99 Sri C.A. Joseph/Sri T.G. Bastin Sri T.I. Mohandas
26 1999-01 Sri T.G. Bastin Sri K.D. Varghese
27 2001-03 Sri T.G. Bastin Sri K.D. Varghese
28 2003-05 Sri Ramesh Nair.M. Sri N.I.Thomas
29 2005-07 Sri Ramesh Nair.M. Sri N.I. Thomas
30 2007-09 Sri C.V. Francis Sri K.D. Varghese
31 2009-11 Sri C.V. Francis Sri K.D. Varghese
32 2011-13 Sri Raphy Kunjappu Sri N.I. Thomas
33 2013-15 Sri Gopeekrishnan C.K. Sri N.I. Thomas/Greenal Joseph
34 2015-17 Gopeekrishnan Praveen R
35 2017-20 K M Anto Bins K Baby
36 2020-22 Rajendranathan Nair M Praveen R
37 2022-24 Anoop Puthran Praveen R